丹麥 Ortofon Concorde MKII DJ 專業DJ用唱針(一對含盒),燭光唱片

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丹麥 Ortofon Concorde MKII DJ 專業DJ用唱針(一對含盒)

TWD$ 8,990

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  • 7-11取貨
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Concorde MKII Twin DJ

The Concorde TWIN includes two Concorde MkII DJ cartridges with preinstalled styli, all conveniently housed within a Flight case. The Concorde DJ is the jack-of-all-trades, boasting accurate sound reproduction and excellent groove handling. Not only does the cartridge have sufficient tracking ability, it also provides the DJs with the most needed stringency and very low record wear.

Excellent groove handling

Accuracy level

The DJ is great for any style of music. It has a spherical stylus and an extremely balanced cantilever that provides outstanding rigidity. Not only does the cartridge have a most sufficient tracking ability, it also provides the DJs with the most needed stringency and very low record wear. All in all: improved tracking, alongside of accurate sound reproduction and an excellent groove handling.


The Concorde Mk II DJ cartridge guarantees exceptional sound quality and precise tracking capabilities. Additionally, it offers a balanced output of 6 mV and remarkable transparency across the entire sonic spectrum.

  • Channel balance at 1 kHz
    1 dB
  • Output voltage at 1 kHz, 5cm/sec
    6 mV
  • Channel seperation at 1 kHz
    22 dB
  • Channel seperation at 15 kHz
    15 dB
  • Tracking ability at 315Hz at recommended tracking force
    100 μm
  • Compliance, dynamic, lateral
    14 μm/m N
  • Stylus type
  • Stylus tip radius
    R 18 μm
  • Tracking force range
    3 - 5 g
  • Tracking force, recommended
    4 g
  • Internal impedance, DC resistance
    700 Ohm
  • Cartridge weight
    18,5 g
  • Recommended load resistance
    47 kOhm
  • Internal inductance
    450 mH
  • Recommended load capacitance
    200-600 pF
  • Replacement stylus

丹麥 Ortofon Concorde MKII DJ 專業DJ用唱針(一對含盒)

TWD$ 8,990
