Product details
楊紫瓊、關繼威、史蒂芬妮·許主演!一部亞裔家庭在美國生活的多重宇宙喜劇,在台因劇本內容與你我從小到大的亞洲家庭背景相似、字幕問題爭議而大紅。黑膠版本內頁設計巧思豐富,主打經典石頭鏡頭、貝果等電影元素設計。原聲帶由美國後搖、電子樂團 Son Lux 主導,製作出舒服平靜的Ambient、亦有如Hans Zimmer高潮迭起的管弦編制。此原聲帶有皮克斯電影原聲帶製作人Randy Newman, 知名獨立樂手 Mitski, Talking Heads 主唱 David Byrne 為本電影創作的單曲!
Side A: She thought her life was overwhelming already, but today it all changes...
Side B: As she connects to lives she could have led, the real challenge is making sense of this life here and now...
Side C: She fights with incredible martial arts, but how do you fight the meaninglessness of infinity? *
Side D: From a hopeless place, she must learn a new way to fight, with love... ∞
*Includes "Now We're Cookin' (with Randy Newman)"
∞Includes “This Is A Life (with Mitski and David Byrne)"
∞Includes “Fence (with Moses Sumney)”