Radwimps and Kazuma Jinnouchi: Suzume , 電影原聲帶 / 鈴芽之旅 黑膠2LP,Candlelight Records & Audio

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Radwimps and Kazuma Jinnouchi: Suzume , 電影原聲帶 / 鈴芽之旅 黑膠2LP

TWD$ 1,850

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★ 知名動畫導演新海誠最新作品《鈴芽之旅》原聲帶

★ RADWIMPS 與作曲家陣内一聯手創作配樂

★ 收錄兩首電影主題曲,以及二十五首劇中配樂,外加未放入電影中,由 RADWIMPS 主唱野田洋次郎所演唱的兩首歌曲

★ 歐洲進口版


LP 1

Side A

1. The Cursed Child
2. Abandoned Resort
3. First Aid
4. Cat Chase
5. At Night in Ferry
6. Cat me if you can
7. Abandoned School
8. Time for two

Side B

1. Hitchhike
2. Two Little Terrors
3. Dreaming on Ferris Wheel
4. Soldier's Break
5. Shinkansen Super Express
6. History of Mimizu
7. Significant Precursor
8. Sky Over Tokyo

LP 2

Side C

1. Suzume's Departure
2. Posessed
3. Double Riding
4. It wasn't a dream
5. The Other Side of the Door
6. Aftermath
7. To be with Sota
8. Prayer
9. Closing the Door

Side D

2. Suzume
3. Tamaki
4. Tears of Suzume

Radwimps and Kazuma Jinnouchi: Suzume , 電影原聲帶 / 鈴芽之旅 黑膠2LP

TWD$ 1,850

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